These nuts are rich in fat and proteins: 100g of peanuts contains 49.24g of fat, that is, 25.80g of proteins. They also contain 6.5g of water, 16.14g of carbohydrates, and 8.5g of dietary fiber.
The energetic value of 100g is 567 calories or 2.372kJ. Peanuts also provide minerals such as potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.
When it comes to vitamins, there is vitamin B3 (niacin, 12.06mg), and other B vitamins; vitamin A is also present, then alpha-Tocopherol, folate, as well as many amino acids. Due to their low level of carbohydrates, peanuts can be consumed even while being on a diet.
Because of their micronutrients, peanuts and products made from peanuts are often used by people who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and they are also very popular among vegetarians and others who wish to reduce their meat consumption.
Peanuts contain mostly unsaturated fats which can help lower cholesterol. Recently conducted studies showed that daily consumption of peanuts can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Besides, peanuts are a great source of folic acid which helps cell growth and regeneration.
Peanuts benefit sexual potency, improve memory, focus, and hearing, and fight fatigue. They provide vitamins B, which can help maintain healthy hair and calm the nerves, and vitamin E which stimulates reproductive glands.